Info for Marshals, Test Secretaries & Handlers on Identifying and Tracking Amateur Results
Effective March 1, 2016 amateur handlers, marshals and test secretaries have a few additional responsibilities if they wish amateur passes to be included and qualify for an upcoming Invitational. Please help us as we create effective and efficient processes for tracking amateur handler passes. The following suggestions are intended to make your jobs easier and the reporting of results more accurate and consistent. As more people complete their EE profile this process will become even easier.
Master Marshal:
Test Secretaries:
Any questions? Email to [email protected] or ask one of the Master Amateur Retriever Club representatives at the test.
Master Marshal:
- As handlers check in – ask, ". . . and which handler listed will be running the dog?” Circle the correct handler or if not listed add the correct name.
- Monitor that the designated handler on the marshal sheet runs the dog in each series.
- Ask handlers checking in or leaving the line – “I don’t see a designation ‘A’ or ‘P’ by your name YET. What shall I put?”
- Post on dry erase board and/or talk it up – “Handlers update EE profile ASAP PLEASE.”
- Prior to final series, use marshal’s sheet to (a) list scratches; (b) list primary handler if different from that listed (this includes multiple handlers); (c) designate A or P based upon your inquiry.
- After final series, submit marshal’s sheet to judges for them to mark qualified dogs, confirm scratches and verify that A or P has been designated. The Marshal Sheet is simply a tool to make reporting results easier and more complete.
- Have the judges initial final marshal’s sheet and confirm who will submit the sheet to the Test Secretary (by marshal or judges).
Test Secretaries:
- Please communicate above these marshal expectations to Master Marshals IN ADVANCE, not the morning of the event. Suggest that you or the Test Chair email the marshals’ sheets and instructions to marshals for review.
- Please communicate to Master judges that a new form will reflect their qualifying dogs after the final series. It does not replace the signed catalog, just makes the process of getting the information to you easier and more complete and consistent.
- Provide extra marshals sheets to Master Marshals on the day of the event.
- The catalog submitted to Retriever News (RN) will be as important as the AKC catalog. The RN catalog must (a) indicate the primary handler; (b) designate A or P; (c) be signed by the judges for each Master flight. In lieu of transferring the handler and status information from the Marshals Sheet to the catalog you may simply fold the Marshal Sheet into the catalog sent to RN. We strongly suggest you keep a copy of the Marshal Sheet or snap a picture of the sheet with your smart-phone.
- Update your EE personal profile to make sure your amateur or professional status is correctly listed. And, update your dog(s) status to note the default handler. This will go a long way to insuring your passes are correctly tracked.
- Please make sure the master marshal has your correct information.
- Contact EE right away if any of your or your dog(s) information is not correctly listed in the catalog.
- Be sure to thank the marshals and test secretary for their hard work !!
Any questions? Email to [email protected] or ask one of the Master Amateur Retriever Club representatives at the test.