Please Contact Us if you see any errors regarding this list – Click Here for the Full Set of Rules on How to Qualify
**All Qualifying events are included. See the current Pass List for more info.
If you see any issues with these results, please Contact Us.
Including the dogs Registered Name, AKC number and the events that should show as a “pass”
by an amateur handler during the eligible period, beginning March 1, 2017.
**All Qualifying events are included. See the current Pass List for more info.
If you see any issues with these results, please Contact Us.
Including the dogs Registered Name, AKC number and the events that should show as a “pass”
by an amateur handler during the eligible period, beginning March 1, 2017.
2018 Master Amateur Invitational Qualifiers - FINAL
Dog and Owner Name (Listed in the Order in which they have qualified)
Updated with all events through February 28, 2018. Qualifying for the 2018 MAI is now closed.
Updated with all events through February 28, 2018. Qualifying for the 2018 MAI is now closed.
- ROOSTIN IN FIELDS OF MAGICGOLD MH UDX2 WCX, GF, Owned and Handled by Cathrine Darr
- WINDMERE'S BEA HOOKED ON A DARE MH QA2, LF,Owned and Handled by Chris Johnson
- CASTLEBAY'S HARLEY 'N TANK'S ANNPHIBIAN MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Sarah Wonnell
- SALT MARSH CEILIDH DANCER MH71 HTHF QA2, GF, Owned and Handled by David Boothman
- SALT MARSH TIGER ROSE MH41, GF, Owned and Handled by David Boothman
- BARNES' MOUNTAIN EARLY SPRING MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Mike Jones
- BORDERLINE'S NO PICK MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Sallie Sullivan
- FIREMARK'S REMY RUN FOR THE GOLD MH, GM, Owned by Judy Drum, Handled by Jerry Drum
- HATTIES BROWN CAMO MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Michael Dulaney
- MONDAY NIGHT SMACKDOWN MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Mike Woodbury
- HIGH TIMES HUNTERS MIST ISABELLA MH, GF, Owned and Handled by Cathrine Darr
- APR WIND RIVER SST QA2 MH, LM, Owned by Sharon & Donald Collins, Handled by Sharon Collins
- BORDERLINE'S MISS IMPOSSIBLE MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Sallie Sullivan
- J&J'S OUT OF TOWN COLONEL OLLIE MH QAA, LM, Owned by Juliann & James Windham, Handled by James Windham
- RATTLIN RIDGE OTTER MCBUNN MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Sharon Collins
- BRASSFIRE'S ATTITUDE SAIL'N WITH CAPT'N FLASH MH, GM, Owned by Jack & Sue Belicka, Handled by Jack Belicka
- CABO SAN LUCAS CHICA LOCO MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Brook Douglas
- CANDLEWOODS SHOOT TO THE PLUG MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Ed Wojciechowski
- DANDESG THE DUDE DON'T DANCE MH, LM, Owned by John Dawber & Barry Bellemare, Handled by John Dawber
- FRINKS LONG SHOT BELLE OF BRUNSWICK MH, LF, Owned by Steve Frink, Handled by Keith Maready & Steve Fink
- GAYLAN'S OLD SAINT NICK NAUGHTY OR NICE MH, GM, Owned by Jack & Sue Belicka, Handled by Jack Belicka
- J&J'S PINK DYNAMITE MH QAA, LF, Owned by Juliann & James Windham, Handled by James Windham
- MARKS MISTER MONSTER RIPSTER MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Mark Frederick
- O'MALLEY'S MAGICEYES ON MURPHY MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Jim McCurry
- RHUMBLINE'S GYRO COMPASS QA2 MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Susan Carpenter
- SURESHOT'S CLASSIC REPLAY MH QA2, LM, Owned by Gloria Mundell & Amy Hunt, Handled by Gloria Mundell
- WINGSTAR SEA ISLE SANDPIPER MH, GF, Owned and Handled by Andy Sonntag
- BIRCH BAY IROC N ROLL MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Dennis Esser
- MOONSTONES FRONTIER INDIANA JONES MH QAA, LM, Owned by Brian & Jeannie Coty, Handled by Brian Coty
- TOMS BELLE OF IMALONE MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Tom Bong
- OGF LONE WILLOW KATARINA QA2 MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Doug Dodge
- TANGO DAUNINGE SUNSHINE ON A CLOUDY DAY MH, GM, Owned by Carol & Thomas Haas, Handled by Carol Haas
- CHOSEN SPOT'S RIPPLING RIVER WILDERNESS WARRIOR MH, LF, Owned by Dennis & Norma Wilcox, Handled by Dennis Wilcox
- FIELD OF DREAMS TURNOUT GEAR MH MNH, LM, Owned by James & Nancy Bauer, Handled by Jim Bauer
- MPR'S ONE FOR THE ROAD MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Kevin Bunnell
- WETLANDS BLACK PEARL MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Kevin Bunnell
- OGF WOODROW QA2 MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Doug Dodge
- RANEY'S SON OF A GUN KICKIN BRASS MH, LM, Owned by Randy & Sherre Frager, Handled by Randy Frager
- CAMAS GO BIG OR STAY HOME MH QAA, LF, Owned and Handled by Larry Hill
- CODE 3 STEEL MAGNUM MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Paul McGinnis
- TOPBRASS MISTER BEAU JANGLES MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Carol Reed
- GOVNER MH, LM, Owned by Larry Taylor & Bei Collins, Handled by Larry Taylor
- HIGH TIMES APPLEJACKS MIKE MH, GM, Owned by Randy & Dolores Haney, Handled by Dolores Haney
- TOPBRASS ONE MORE TRIP TO BIRDLAND MH, GM, Owned by Gordon Schlichting & Marlene Dingman, Handled by Gordon Schlichting
- SUREFIRE'S NAUTICAL ENFORCER MH, GM, Owned by Alex & Christine Schram, Handled by Chris Schram
- MONEY'S BLAC COLT MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Janet Sowers
- BORDERLINE'S LAST CHANCE MH MNH6, LF, Owned and Handled by Sallie Sullivan
- BRING'EM BACK BEN MH, LM, Owned by Chad & Sharon Sweep, Handled by Chad Sweep
- BLACK ICE VIII MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Sharon Sweep
- MARQUIS DIAMOND REMY MH, PM, Owned and Handled by Ted deLooze
- GYPSY OAK'S ELI MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Donna Campbell
- QUARRY RUN'S ROCK OF AGES MH, LF, Owned by Mark & Kimberly Frederick, Handled by Mark Frederick
- MIDNIGHT ARGONAUT MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Randy Kauffman
- ARROWHEAD'S LITTLE MISCHIEF MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Keith Kiesow
- HOPE LOCK'S RODEO RIDER MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Missy Lemoi
- SEASIDE'S PAINT THE TARGET MH, LM, Owned by Francis & Nancy Prendergast, Handled by Francis Prendergast
- SUNFIRE BERETTA SILVER HAWK OF HIGH FARMS MH, GM, Owned by Robert & Virginia Worrest, Handled by Bob Worrest
- O'S DELTA MARSH YELLOW TAIL SUSHI MH QAA, LF, Owned and Handled by Dick Ofstedal
- STELLAR'S RUNNING IN ORDER MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Robert Rascoe
- JT'S DOUBLE TROUBLE ALTER EGO MH, LM, Owned by Jace & Denise Tramontin, Handled by Denise Tramontin
- BULLET OF OSU BAYPIONT MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Brent Beatty
- KUVENTRE'S JUST LIKE GENE AND ROY MH, GM, Owned by Tom & Sharon Long, Handled by Sharon Long
- RHUMBLINE'S DREADNOUGHT MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Susan Carpenter
- RHUMBLINE'S GRAND BANKS SCHOONER MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Susan Carpenter
- TWIN PINE FALLINE THOMAS MH, LM, Owned by Alexander & Joey Edsall, Handled by Joey Edsall
- MURPHY'S SUGARBRITCHES RADLEY MH, LF, Owned and Handled by David Murphy
- GUNSMITH'S FOUR-SIXTEEN RIGBY MH, LM, Owned by Ronald & Christine Nagy, Handled by Chrstine Nogy
- OGF AUGUSTUS MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Doug Dodge
- PVS ROXSTAR MH QA2, LM, Owned by Lee & Loretta Bilke, Handled by Lee Bilke
- BLACKBIRD'S BLU-MOON ECLIPES MH, LM, Owned by John & Karen Blackbird, Handled by John Blackbird
- HPK'S NOTHING BUT TROUBLE MH, LF, Owned by Randall & Kathleen Crocker, Handled by Randall Crocker
- BRASSFIRE'S COWBOY CASANOVA MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Beth Gerdes
- KELAKYE GAFFEY BEAU MH QA2, GF, Owned and Handled by Henry Harper
- FOUR WINDS O'REILLY QA2 MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Greg Murtha
- DAYSPRING LUCKY PENNY MH, FCRM, Owned and Handled by Denise Sejalon
- BRUSHY CREEKS HAPPY GO LUCKY MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Amy Sturino
- J & J'S USMC GENERAL WALT MH, GM, Owned by James & Juliann Windham, Handled by James Windham
- HIGHROLLER MARSHALL MATT DILLON MH50, GM, Owned by David & Hilda Wood, Handled by Hilda Wood
- THISTLE ROCKS GET A GRIP MH QAA, GM, Owned by Katie Brouillette, Handled by Katie Brouillette
- THUNDERSTRUCK DJANGO UNCHAINED MH WCX, GM, Owned and Handled by Katie Brouillette
- RUFF RIVERS CORI'S MINI RU MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Jeff Bundy
- JLB ROUGH'S ROMAN GODDESS MH QAA, LF, Owned by Jason Brion and Handled by Jeff Bundy
- JUSTIN TIME SALTY MARGARITA MH, LF, Owned by Randy & Dianne Clark, Handled by Dianne Clark
- REMINGTON SURE SHOT OF KINNAMAN'S JOPLIN MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Dave Markham
- STARDUST SONG COTTENHAM MH, LF, Owned and Handled by John Cottenham
- RED ROCKS GENERAL GEORGE MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Lee Eskelson
- BEECHGLENNS ST. TERESA MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Julie Oven
- MUDDYRIVERS EMMA'S MISCHIEF MAKER QAA MH, LM, Owned by Richard & Lynn Ellis, Handled by Rich Ellis
- GIT R DONE LUTHER MH, CBRM, Owned and Handled by James Fields
- TIGER AND AUTTIE'S LIL LEFTOVER MH, LM, Owned by Howard Olson & Sig Vilagi, Handled by Howard Olson
- SMOKIN 8-9-8 MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Charles Pugh
- LIL MISS CRAZY KATE MH QA2, LF, Owned and Handled by Charles Pugh
- CANDLEWOODS BOSS MAN AT ROCKIN-X MH, LM, Owned by A. Xander & M. Howley, Handled by Alice Xander
- WATERMARK'S TALL TEXAN AT ROCKIN-X MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Alice Xander
- SUNFIRE'S LONG HOT SUMMER MH, GM, Owned by Michael Book & Barbara Biewer, Handled by Michael Book
- P.R.T HERE FISHY FISHY MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Don Myers
- WINDBREAKERS MAISIE DAY MH, GF, Owned by Jerry & Judy Drum, Handled by Judy Drum
- STARLIGHT'S MIKAYLA SUE MH MNH, LF, Owned and Handled by Randy Frager
- INDY ANN'S RANEY DAY FEELIN' MH, LF, Owned and Handled by John Geames
- SILVERBROOK'S CAVALIER GRIFFIN MH, LM, Owned by Roy Geberth, Handled by Patricia Geberth
- BLUE EYED BLONDE MH, LF, Owned by David & Nikki Illias, Handled by David Illias
- SWING SHIFT MH, LF, Owned by David & Nikki Illias, Handled by David Illias
- PACIFIC EXPRESSO RILEY QA2 MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Carol Callison
- SON OF LUCIFER'S FIELD KING MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Elizabeth Paape
- PERFECT MARX LITTLE RASCAL MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Charles Pugh
- GHOSTRYDER'S GO SHE BEE STINGIN' MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Carol Reed
- MIOAKS MISS LILLIE LANGTRY MH, GF, Owned and Handled by Alice Xander
- DOUBLE K'S LOW COUNTRY MOJO MH, LM, Owned by Auggie Argabright, Handled by Auggie Argabright
- ADIRONDAC'S WEEBE PUT'N A HEX ON YOU MH, GF, Owned by Megan Baker & Tom Lehr, Handled by Megan Baker
- WEEBE ADIRONDAC'S ONE WILD RIDE MH, GF, Owned by Megan Baker & Tom Lehr, Handled by Megan Baker
- TOPBRASS MAGNIFICENT MACGREGOR MH QAA, GM, Owned and Handled by Michael Bunting
- TOPBRASS MURPHY'S STOUT OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN MH QAA, GM, Owned and Handled by Michael Bunting
- RHUMBLINE'S RIVER GUNBOAT MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Susan Carpenter
- ELIHUS CREEK INCREDIBLE JOURNEY MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Karen Deman
- OGF CLARA ALLEN MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Doug Dodge
- FERGUSON'S RETIRED VETERAN MH MNH4, LM, Owned by Sam & Jeannie Ferguson, Handled by Samuel Ferguson
- FERGUSON'S RETIREMENT BONUS MH, LM, Owned by Sam & Jeannie Ferguson, Handled by Samual Ferguson
- TOPBRASS NO TIME TO PAWS MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Kaye Fuller
- BRAVHART KC RUN FOR THE BORDER QA2 MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Kaye Fuller
- IRONWEED HI-BIRD RASCAL QA2 MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Mary Gregg
- FIREMARK'S NOT JUST AN ILLUSION MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Katie Heard
- TERLINGUA'S LAMPARD MH, GM, Owned by John & Kathy Henderson, Handled by John Henderson
- TQ ESSEX MH, GF, Owned by Carmen & Karsten Kuegler, Handled by Carmen Kuegler
- ABRACADABRA MH QAA, LF, Owned by Derek & Joey Smith, Handled by Joey Smith
- TOPBRASS CITY LIMITS MH QAA, GM, Owned by Bob & Macy Swift, Handled by Robert Swift
- HI-TOP'S SUDDEN IMPACT MH50, GM, Owned and Handled by Carol Young, Carol Young
- DUCKBACK ARMBROOK'S INDIGO MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Ellison Armfield, Ellison Armfield
- ARMBROOK GIRL WITH DIAMONDS MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Ellison Armfield, Ellison Armfield
- MV PRAIRIE LABS DON'T FAIL ME BAYLEE MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Marta Duhon, Marta Duhon
- RED LABEL ONE MORE THYME MH, LF, Owned by Richard & Mary Myers, Handled by Richard Myers
- SMOKING GUN'S SWEET THUNDER MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Jeff Warren, Jeff Warren
- FOLLY HILL'S CRAZY TRAIN @ TRIPLE THREAT MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Nicole Wellington, Nicole Wellington
- J&J'S BEAR MH QAA, LM, Owned by James & Juliann Windham, Handled by James Windham
- PC'S YOU'RE THE ONE MH MNH, GF, Owned and Handled by Janet Wood, Janet Wood
- HIGH TIMES TERRAMISU MH, GF, Owned and Handled by Susan Martinson, Susan Martinson
- MISS MOLLY'S RARING TO GO MH, LF, Owned by Charles Stephens, Handled by Garry Stephens
- PARADISE'S SWEET YELLOW JERSEY SUN MH, LM, Owned by Jeff & Sue Sparrow, Handled by Jeff Sparrow
- OLD MAN'S HIGH FLYING GOOSE MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Dennis Danielson, Dennis Danielson
- K-JO'S SWING FOR THE FENCE MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Robert Montler, Robert Montler
- WINDBREAKER'S RESAWOOD PREMIUM SELECT MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Nancy Murillo, Nancy Murillo
- BAYPOINTS GET THE DUCK TUCK MH, LM, Owned and Handled by David Hamel, David Hamel
- BRION'S ZOEY QA2 MH, LF, Owned by Jason Brion, Handled by Jeff Bundy
- BUCKHEAD'S SPORTING DUKE MH MNH QAA, LM, Owned and Handled by Gina Blitch, Gina Blitch
- GRADY'S TENNESSEE MOONSHINE MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Alan Bruhin, Alan Bruhin
- BORDERLINE'S IRISH WHISKEY MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Aurelia Carter, Aurelia Carter
- DREAMMEYER CALL DOWN THE THUNDER QA2 MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Wanda Frontado, Wanda Frontado
- WYCO'S LENA-LINDA CON BESOS MH, LF, Owned by John & Randall Gerbino, Handled by Randall Gerbino
- GRAVES PINERIDGE AUGUSTUS MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Richard Graves, Richard Graves
- QUILLQUEST ROLL'S ROYCE MH QAA, FCRF, Owned and Handled by Gillian Impey, Gillian Impey
- TOPBRASS DRAKE JUNIOR MH, GM, Owned by William Johnson & Laura Scruggs, Handled by Bill Johnson
- MEDICINE BEAU LUKE OF BLACK FOREST MH50 QAA, LM, Owned by Keith & Wendy Maready, Handled by Keith Maready
- KELAKYE COWGIRL'S PIPE DREAM MH, GF, Owned and Handled by Carol Reed, Carol Reed
- HAPPYDAUGH'S A CUT ABOVE MH QAA, GF, Owned by Jeff & Ann Strathern, Handled by Ann Strathern
- HIGH TIDE NOR'EASTER MH, CBRM, Owned by Mary & Sidney Williams, Handled by Mary Williams
- KC ROYAL CROWN JEWEL MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Marc Healey, Marc Healey
- DUXBURY MY TEN CENTS MH, PF, Owned by Jack Combs & Mia DiBenedetto, Handled by Jack Combs
- MARATHON'S BEING JUST JACK MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Karen Hollander, Karen Hollander
- BLACK SMOKE AFTER HURRICANE DELLE MH QA2, LM, Owned by Dennis & Norma Wilcox, Handled by Dennis Wilcox
- RIPPLING WATERS SHORE BIRD MH, CBRF, Owned by Mary & Sidney Williams, Handled by Mary Williams
- DOC TEE'S FIRE DOWN BELOW MH, LM, Owned by Darrin & Sheila Swenson, Handled by Darrin Swenson
- LAIRD'S MADEMOISELLE MARS MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Gloria Nusbickel, Gloria Nusbickel
- GALLO GOLD TIME WILL TELL MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Susan Lindberg, Susan Lindberg
- ASPETUCKS MY LITTLE MARGIE MH, LF, Owned by Betsy Pohl & Robert Ehlers, Handled by Robert Ehlers
- TARHL ITCHIN' FOR A DOUBLE MAC MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Linwood Potter, Linwood Potter
- ARGUS MH, PM, Owned and Handled by Daniel Cassidy, Daniel Cassidy
- BLACK MAJICK'S I WALK THE LINE MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Tom & Tricia McKenzie, Tom Mckenzie
- HAPPYDAUGH STRIKES GOLD MH QAA, GM, Owned by Jeff & Ann Strathern, Handled by Ann Strathern
- HAPPYDAUGH'S QUANTUM SINGULARITY MH, GM, Owned by Jeff & Ann Strathern, Handled by Ann Strathern
- DEKE'S STEP & FETCH IT QA2 MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Don Garrett, Don Garrett
- MIJAN'S GREAT DANISH FINNEGAN MH, LM, Owned by Mike & Janice Woodbury, Handled by Mike Woodbury
- IN-TRANSIT MH25, GF, Owned by Megan Baker & Tom Lehr, Handled by Megan Baker
- WATERMARKS MAXWELLS ROYAL FLUSH MH, LM, Owned by Dan & Nicole Boettger, Handled by Dan Boettger
- RILEY PATRICK MCCONNER OF RUTLAND (RPM) MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Mike McConner, MIke MCConner
- BOO BREEZE TUFF MAN MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Michael Perry, Michael Perry
- ADMIRAL'S QUINN ISLAND GIRL MH, LF, Owned by Paul & Kimmlie Hauck, Handled by Paul Hauck
- TAKEFLIGHT'S BRAZEN WARBIRD MH, GF, Owned and Handled by Lynne Congdon, Lynne Congdon
- STELLAR'S DON'T ROCK THE JUKE BOX MH, LM, Owned by Wayne & Dede Paterson, Handled by Wayne Paterson
- GRADY'S SOUTHERN DREAM GIRL MARDI GRAS MH, LF, Owned by Jeff & Carol Lowe, Handled by Carol Lowe
- WEEBE SAWTOOTH'S SIC'EMMORE MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Sean Rice, Sean Rice
- HIGH VELOCITY ARROW XT MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Keith Kiesow, Keith Kiesow
- LOCHMAR HOLLY MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Lamar Jones, Lamar Jones
- FERGUSON'S MEMORIAL DAY SNIPER MH, LM, Owned by Sam & Jeannie Ferguson, Handled by Samuel Ferguson
- REIBAR'S BAYPOINT ASA HEARTS MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Donna Campbell, Donna Campbell
- BIBELOT'S TOLKA HANDS UP MH, PF, Owned by Jack Combs & Mia DiBenedetto, Handled by Jack Combs
- DUXBURY SMOKE JUMPER MH, PM, Owned by Jack Combs & Mia DiBenedetto, Handled by Jack Combs
- TOPBRASS GOTTA LOVETT MH QAA, GM, Owned by Bob & Macy Swift, Handled by Robert Swift
- MAD RIVER'S LITTLE STAR CHENCHO MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Tim Williams, Tim Williams
- RICHWOOD SOPHIE'S MAGIC MOMENT MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Leslie Anderson, Leslie Anderson
- BEECHGLENNS COASTLINE MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Julie Oven, Julie Oven
- POCATALIGO'S SWEET GEORGIA BROWN MH , BOYF, Owned and Handled by Gregg Parker, Gregg Parker
- ASPETUCKS HURRICANE ABBEY MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Robert Ehlers, Robert Ehlers
- ASTERION TWIST OF FATE MH25, LM, Owned and Handled by Cindy Tulpa, Cindy Tulpa
- MURPHY'S SUGARBRITCHES BOO MH, LF, Owned and Handled by David Murphy, David Murphy
- RAB JERSEY GIRL MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Debbie Bodner, Debbie Bodner
- KATE'S CROWN JEWEL MH MNR, LF, Owned by Michael & Dorothy Ruehman, Handled by Dorothy Ruehman
- SHEDHORN'S MONTANA LUTHER MH, LM, Owned by James & Bonnie Cuddihy, Handled by Jimmy Cuddihy
- MONTANA LUTHER'S JAVA MH, LF, Owned by James & Bonnie Cuddihy, Handled by Bonnie Cuddihy
- HOW BOUT YA DON'T MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Sarah Willett, Sarah Willett
- STELLAR'S DANCING IN THE MOONLIGHT MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Lee Hanes, Lee Hanes
- RUN-N-GUN'S HE'S SO FINE MH, LM, Owned by David & Vicki Christianson, Handled by David Christianson
- LITTLE BOY LEROY SYRING MH, LM, Owned by Joseph & Annette Syring, Handled by Joseph Syring
- WATERMARK'S LEAN PERSUEDER MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Robert & Stacy Ritchie, Stacy Ritchie
- CAZADOR JS MAC MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Kevin McGinnis, Kevin McGinnis
- HARPER'S ITCHIN TO HUNT MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Joseph Harper, Joe Harper
- MY PA PA IS GENERAL PATTON MH, LF, Owned by Darrin & Sheila Swenson, Handled by Darrin Swenson
- KC EYES OF AUGUSTUS MH, GM, Owned and Handled by Roger Fuller, Roger Fuller
- BEAU CHENE'S LADY SINGS THE BLUES MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Marta Duhon, Marta Duhon
- STELLAR'S OUT OF THE BLUE RENDEZVOUS MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Dede Patterson, Dede Paterson
- TUBB'S ITTY BITTY SMOKIN KITTY MH, LF, Owned by Darrin & Sheila Swenson, Handled by Darrin Swenson
- CALICREEK'S SHOTGUN RIDER MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Sarah Willett, Sarah Willett
- BEAR & DELLE'S CHOSEN QUICK TRIGGER MH, LM, Owned by Dennis & Joshua Wilcox, Handled by Dennis Wilcox
- TOPBRASS PRETTY LTL SUPED UP 4WD MH QAA, GF, Owned by Sharon Long & Jackie Mertens, Handled by Sharon Long
- PILKINGTON'S TOP GEAR MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Larry Laukka, Larry Laukka
- TOPBRASS U AND TEQUILA MAKE ME CRAZY MH, GF, Owned by Sharon Long & Jackie Mertens, Handled by Sharon Long
- WOODS EDGE I DID IT MY WAY MH, LM, Owned by Greg & Betsy Fritz, Handled by Betsy Fritz
- BORDERLINE'S BLUE ANGEL MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Genie Hunter-Edwards, Genie Hunter-Edwards
- HIGH POINTS ASTERION FLINT STONE MH, LM, Owned by Cindy Tulpa & Sharon Talley, Handled by Cindy Tulpa
- BAR THE DOOR DIXIE GREEN TIMBER MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Mickey Lathem, Mickey Lathem
- DEEPWOODS CHARLIE HUSTLE, LM, Owned by Bob & Nancy Neipert, Handled by Bob Neipert
- HIGH MILEAGE COOL AND GROOVY QAA, LM, Owned by David & Martha Kress, Handled by Martha Kress
- DOGLEG'S BIGBOYLEROY MH, LM, Owned by Gloria & Fred Nusbickel, Handled by Fred Nusbickel
- TURBO STEAM'N TWILIGHT DRAGON QA2 MH, GF, Owned and Handled by Ron Rubrecht, Ron Rubrecht
- DOTTIE'S OAKPOINT ARLEY ROSE MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Steve Davis, Steve Davis
- TINSTAR'S SON OF A GUN MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Laura Judd, Laura Judd
- WDBEEZ MADE OF MONEY MH QA2, LM, Owned and Handled by Diana Burson, Jo Burson
- DJBEEZ THAT'LL DO DAISY MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Diana Burson, Jo Burson
- STICKPONDS ABRA-CA-DABRA MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Becky Williams, Becky Williams
- HEALMARKS SAM I AM MH QAA, LM, Owned and Handled by Becky Williams, Becky Williams
- GALLO GOLD BIT A FLASH N RUCKUS MH QAA, GF, Owned and Handled by Cindy Vinzant, Cindy Vinzant
- TURBO TWILIGHT EXPLOSION MH26, GF, Owned and Handled by Ron Rubrecht, Ron Rubrecht
- LATE NIGHT TRICK OR TREATER MH, LF, Owned by Rhonda Reed & Richard Gebhart, Handled by Dennis Danielson
- MAVERICK DE TIDEWATER MH, LM, Owned by Robert & Annette Pacheco, Handled by Annette Pacheco
- TOPBRASS ONE IS ONE TOO MANY MH, GF, Owned by Joe & Allison Sinclair, Handled by Allison Sinclair
- TOPBRASS SURESHOT GUNZ A BLAZIN' MH, GF, Owned and Handled by Hilda Wood, Hilda Wood
- CODE 3 THREE FROM THE RING MH50 MNH, LM, Owned by Paul McGinnis, Handled by Analee McGinnis
- OLD LYME'S BREAKWATER LIGHT MH, GF, Owned by Carmen & Karsten Kuegler, Handled by Carmen Kuegler
- ORION'S FILMMAKER MH QAA, LM, Owned and Handled by Kate Macartney, Cindy Tulpa
- STELLARS PROUD MARY MH MNH5, LF, Owned by Bob & Nancy Neipert, Handled by Bob Neipert
- BLACKBIRD'S BLU-MOON SHYNE MH QAA MNH, LM, Owned by John & Karen Blackbird, Handled by John Blackbird
- DOGLEG'S BOONDOGGLE MNH4, LM, Owned by Gloria Nusbickel, Handled by Fred Nusbickel
- LADY BOONE'S EARL OF PENDER MH, LM, Owned by Day & Ellen Jordan, Handled by Ellen Jordan
- LOCHMAR BONNIE MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Lamar Jones, Lamar Jones
- STELLAR'S MY TIME TO SHINE MH MNH4, LF, Owned and Handled by Wendy Wotasek, Marion Woolie
- TK'S SASSY SADIE MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Temple Hager, Temple Hager
- HARPERS KICK IT ON BACK MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Joseph Harper, Joal Harper
- WHITEWATER'S ALL AMERICAN MH, LM, Owned by Gary & Donna Campbell, Handled by Donna Campbell
- DOUGLAS'S JET STREAM MH, LF, Owned and Handled by Brook Douglas, Brook Douglas
- DOGLEG'S SNAKE EYES PAIR-A-DICE MH MNH, LM, Owned and Handled by Gloria Nusbickel, Gloria Nusbickel
- TALL OAK'S BOOMERANGO MH, LM, Owned and Handled by Robert Rascoe